Clear Lake: History, Happiness, Home

Clear Lake, Iowa is a place some people would call the grave site of a music legend. Other’s would call it a vacation town. I call this place home.

ZZ Top Concert at The Surf in Oct. 2011

ZZ Top Concert at The Surf in Oct. 2011

Clear Lake is located in Central North Iowa and has a population of about 7,741. What the town is more recognized for is the Surf Ballroom and the crash site of the famous 1950s singers, Buddy Holly and Ritchie Valens, and The Big Bopper. Beth Ann Chilies of It’s Just Life, recently visited the Surf Ballroom and had the chance to take a step back into time. Anyone who is wanting to tour the building is able to during their normal business hours.

To most people, Clear Lake is just a “tourist town” but to me it’s home. I have so many memories that I will never forget and It’s really sad to see some of the iconic hangout places disappear. I understand that town’s have to grow with the times, but there are some things that have earned their right and deserve to stick around for may years to come.

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